European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.
European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.

Preferred Senior Unsecured

Belfius Bank SA/NV

Rating History

Rating Watch Outlook Decision Date Action Validity Date Maximum Validity
n.r. 29.10.2020 02.11.2020 02.11.2020
BBB+ Watch NEW 24.03.2020 28.03.2020
BBB+ 24.09.2019 25.09.2019
BBB+ Watch UNW 18.06.2019 21.06.2019
BBB+ 09.07.2018 25.07.2018


  • 02.11.2020
    Creditreform has set the rating of Belfius Bank SA/NV (Group) to not rated (n.r.). In addition, Creditreform has set the ratings of the bank capital and debt classes Additional Tier 1, Tier 2 and Preferred as well as Non-Preferred Senior Unsecured to not rated (n.r.).
  • 28.03.2020
    Creditreform Rating has set the rating of all valid bank ratings and bank issues to watch negative due to the currently not assessable impact of the Corona Crisis. Not affected by this rating action are government related banks. We refer to the free available Monitoring Report for a more detailed explanation.
  • 25.09.2019
    Creditreform Rating has affirmed the rating of Belfius Bank SA/NV (Group) at A-. The outlook is stable. In addition, Creditreform Rating has affirmed the rating of Additional Tier 1 capital at BB, the rating of Tier 2 capital at BB+ and the rating of Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt (after reclassification from Senior Unsecured Debt) at BBB+. Moreover, the rating of Non-Preferred Senior Unsecured debt was set to BBB.
  • 21.06.2019
    Creditreform Rating AG has revised its rating methodology for the rating of "Bank Capital and Unsecured Debt Instruments". Henceforth, only the revised version of the rating methodology ("Version 2.0") will be applied. Moreover, all current ratings of bank capital and unsecured bank instruments will be reviewed as part of our current monitoring and receive therefore the rating supplement "watch". Our revised rating methodology can be found at
  • 25.07.2018
    Creditreform Rating has set the rating of Belfius Bank SA/NV to A-, with stable outlook. Creditreform Rating has also determined the ratings of the debt classes as follows. The rating of Additional Tier 1 was set to BB, the rating of Tier 2 to BB+ and the rating of the Senior Unsecured to BBB+.

ISIN Liste

ISIN Action Validity Date Maximum Validity
BE6324720299 22.10.2020 02.11.2020
BE6318446604 28.08.2020 02.11.2020
BE6318441555 28.08.2020 02.11.2020
BE6315719490 31.08.2019 02.11.2020
BE6310181407 14.03.2019 10.12.2019
BE6310175342 14.03.2019 02.11.2020
BE6283639761 03.12.2018 02.11.2020
BE6296590290 03.12.2018 12.07.2019
BE6292292966 03.12.2018 13.03.2019
BE6286867062 03.12.2018 02.11.2020
BE6277355978 03.12.2018 27.03.2020
BE6289446633 03.12.2018 16.09.2019
BE6292753728 03.12.2018 13.03.2019
BE6303113532 03.12.2018 02.11.2020
BE6285886923 03.12.2018 15.04.2020
BE6292227319 03.12.2018 13.03.2019
BE6295851669 03.12.2018 14.06.2019
BE6307954444 03.12.2018 02.11.2020
BE6307427029 03.12.2018 02.11.2020
BE6294804867 03.12.2018 25.04.2019
BE6287637977 03.12.2018 14.06.2019
BE6292351580 03.12.2018 13.03.2019
BE6302963978 03.12.2018 02.11.2020
BE6284049010 03.12.2018 13.03.2019
BE6292178793 03.12.2018 13.03.2019
BE6294346166 03.12.2018 03.04.2019
BE6304337163 03.12.2018 02.11.2020
BE6286302235 03.12.2018 29.04.2019
BE6292237417 03.12.2018 13.03.2019
BE6295908261 03.12.2018 19.06.2019
BE6308098910 03.12.2018 02.11.2020
BE6278565468 03.12.2018 27.05.2019
BE6287748147 03.12.2018 24.06.2019
BE6292415252 03.12.2018 13.03.2019
BE6303068082 03.12.2018 19.03.2020
BE6285884902 03.12.2018 12.04.2019
BE6292179809 03.12.2018 13.03.2019
BE6278172414 03.12.2018 23.03.2020