European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.
European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.

Mortgage Covered Bonds

CaixaBank S.A.

Rating History

Rating Watch Outlook Decision Date Action Validity Date Maximum Validity
AAA Outlook STA 05.12.2023 11.12.2023 17.12.2024
AAA Outlook STA 21.11.2022 24.11.2022
AA Outlook STA 19.11.2021 25.11.2021
AA- Watch UNW 05.07.2021 06.07.2021
AA- Outlook STA 20.11.2020 26.11.2020
AA Watch NEW 24.03.2020 28.03.2020
AA Outlook STA 27.01.2020 31.01.2020
AA- Outlook STA 28.01.2019 30.01.2019


  • 11.12.2023
    Creditreform Rating has confirmed the rating of the mortgage covered bonds of CaixaBank S.A. at AAA. The outlook is stable.

    Further details regarding the regulatory requirements according to ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) Guidelines 33-9-320 can be found in the document attached below.
  • 24.11.2022
    Creditreform Rating has increased the rating of the mortgage covered bonds of CaixaBank S.A. to AAA from AA. The outlook is stable.

    Further details regarding the regulatory requirements according to ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) Guidelines 33-9-320 can be found in the document attached below.
  • 25.11.2021
    Creditreform Rating has increased the rating of the mortgage covered bonds of CaixaBank S.A. to AA from AA-. At the same time, Creditreform Rating has withdrawn the rating supplement of "watch" and set the outlook at stable.

    Further details regarding the regulatory requirements according to ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) Guidelines 33-9-320 can be found in the document attached below.
  • 06.07.2021
    Creditreform Rating AG has revised its rating methodology for the rating of banks (Bank Ratings). Henceforth, only the revised version of the rating methodology ("Version 3.0") will be applied with the end of the consultation process. In addition, Creditreform Rating AG introduced the new sub-methodology „Institutional Protection Scheme Banks“. Hence, all current ratings of bank capital and unsecured bank instruments will be reviewed as part of our current monitoring and receive therefore the rating supplement "watch". Subsequently, the covered bond ratings will be reviewed and receive the rating supplement "watch" as well. Our revised rating methodologies can be found at
  • 26.11.2020
    Creditreform Rating has lowered the rating of the mortgage covered bonds of CaixaBank S.A. to AA- from AA, The outlook is stable.

    Further details regarding the regulatory requirements according to ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) Guidelines 33-9-320 can be found in the document attached below.
  • 28.03.2020
    Creditreform Rating has revised its outlook on all valid bank ratings, bank issues and covered bonds to watch negative from stable due to the currently not assessable impact of the Corona Crisis. Not affected by this rating action are government related banks. We refer to the free available Monitoring Report for a more detailed explanation.
  • 31.01.2020
    Creditreform Rating has raised the rating of the mortgage covered bonds of CaixaBank S.A. to AA from AA-, The outlook is stable.
  • 30.01.2019
    Creditreform Rating assigned a rating of AA- to the mortgage covered bonds of CaixaBank S.A., The outlook is stable.

ISIN Liste

ISIN Action Validity Date Maximum Validity
ES0440609511 15.11.2024 17.12.2024
ES0440609503 15.11.2024 17.12.2024
ES0440609487 09.10.2024 17.12.2024
ES0440609495 09.10.2024 17.12.2024
ES0440609479 01.06.2023 17.12.2024
ES0440609453 31.03.2022 17.12.2024
ES0440609446 24.12.2021 17.12.2024
ES0414950685 27.04.2021 27.04.2022
ES0414950644 27.04.2021 17.12.2024
ES0414950628 27.04.2021 17.12.2024
ES0413307168 27.04.2021 17.12.2024
ES0413307150 27.04.2021 17.12.2024
ES0413307143 27.04.2021 14.10.2024
ES0413307135 27.04.2021 03.06.2024
ES0413307127 27.04.2021 16.03.2023
ES0413307101 27.04.2021 05.08.2022
ES0413307093 27.04.2021 17.12.2024
ES0413307085 27.04.2021 17.12.2024
ES0413307077 27.04.2021 17.12.2024
ES0413307069 27.04.2021 23.12.2022
ES0440609370 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0440609396 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0440609404 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0440609420 30.01.2019 21.12.2021
ES0440609271 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0414970402 30.01.2019 04.06.2019
ES0440609362 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0440609354 30.01.2019 31.03.2023
ES0440609123 30.01.2019 23.12.2022
ES0440609115 30.01.2019 07.06.2022
ES0414970543 30.01.2019 07.05.2019
ES0414970501 30.01.2019 17.05.2021
ES0414970451 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0414970303 30.01.2019 27.01.2022
ES0414970246 30.01.2019 18.01.2021
ES0414970204 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0413985047 30.01.2019 26.02.2019
ES0413985039 30.01.2019 27.09.2022
ES0440609131 30.01.2019 06.12.2023
ES0440609149 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0440609156 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0440609347 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0440609339 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0440609321 30.01.2019 23.12.2022
ES0440609313 30.01.2019 08.02.2023
ES0440609305 30.01.2019 12.11.2020
ES0440609248 30.01.2019 25.03.2024
ES0440609198 30.01.2019 27.07.2020
ES0440609180 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0440609172 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0440609164 30.01.2019 17.12.2024
ES0413980022 30.01.2019 17.12.2024