European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.
European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.

Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A

Rating History

Rating Watch Outlook Decision Date Action Validity Date Maximum Validity
BBB Outlook STA 09.11.2023 14.11.2023 17.12.2024
BBB Outlook STA 24.11.2022 30.11.2022
BBB Outlook STA 14.12.2021 17.12.2021
BBB Outlook STA 16.12.2020 18.12.2020
BBB Outlook STA 14.12.2018 21.12.2018


  • 14.11.2023
    Creditreform Rating has affirmed the unsolicited corporate issuer rating of Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A. (Terna) at BBB. Creditreform Rating has also affirmed the unsolicited corporate issue rating of the long-term local currency senior unsecured notes issued by Terna at BBB. These issues are included in the list of ECB-eligible marketable assets, which can be found on the ECB's website. The outlook for the ratings remains stable. The initial unsolicited short-term rating of Terna have been set to L3. For more details regarding the ratings, please refer to our rating report below.
  • 30.11.2022
    Creditreform Rating has affirmed the unsolicited corporate issuer rating of Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A. (Terna) at BBB. Creditreform Rating has also affirmed the unsolicited corporate issue rating of the long-term local currency senior unsecured notes issued by Terna at BBB. These issues are included in the list of ECB-eligible marketable assets, which can be found on the ECB's website. The outlook for the ratings remains stable. For more details regarding the ratings, please refer to our update report below.
  • 17.12.2021
    Creditreform Rating has affirmed the unsolicited Corporate Issuer Rating of Terna Rete Elletrica Nazionale S.p.A. (Terna) at BBB with stable outlook. This decision is based on Terna´s stable operating performance during 2021 and our expectation that credit metrics will be sustained at healthy levels in the next 12-24 months. In addition, this is also based on Terna´s very low risk business model and predictable cash flow generation, given that around 85% of total revenues come from regulated activities. We also factor in the ratings its solid financial position as well as its leading position in Europe and the key position of the Company in the Italian market.
  • 18.12.2020
    Creditreform Rating has confirmed the unsolicited Corporate Issuer Rating of Terna – Rete Elletrica Nazionale S.p.A. (Terna) at BBB with stable outlook. This decision is based particularly on the current positive trend in Terna´s operational performance despite the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, this is also based on the existence of further growth prospects, the stable regulatory framework, the key position of the Company in the Italian market, its consistently improving performance, as well as its comfortable liquidity position in connection with a proven access to financial markets.
  • 21.12.2018
    Creditreform Rating has carried out an unsolicited rating of Terna – Rete Elettrica Nazionale S.p.A. The rating has been set to BBB with stable outlook.